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CF Associates can offer advice on effective contract management to avoid or mitigate disputes. However, whilst disputes can be avoided, it is not always possible to avoid the necessity of claims in order to recoup entitlement.
Contract Management
High quality contract management makes a real difference and money can be made or lost from day one. CF Associates understands the need for accurate and timely information to ensure effective decision making. We assess and audit existing contracts, to identify revenue enhancement opportunities that have not been utilised within the agreements.
Also, there are times when contractual notices need to be served and we ensure this happens on time every time, to protect or defend our clients’ entitlement. Our contract team ensure ‘early warning’ of events that, if not attended to and managed properly, may affect the project objectives and damage relationships, leading to claims and disputes.

Claim Preparation & Evaluation
Whilst disputes can be avoided, it is not always possible to avoid claims…
The nature of complex construction and engineering projects, often executed in challenging or hostile environments, means that construction contracts need to include claim management mechanisms, which reflect the allocation of risk under a contract.
CF Associates has prepared claims for contractors on major projects, worldwide, in power, utility, process, civil engineering, building and oil and gas sectors. We also acted on behalf of employers, owners, and project managers in evaluating claims submitted by Contractors and also claims presented by sub-contractors.
Delay Analysis
CF Associates routinely carries out delay analysis on behalf of Contractors or Employers. A number of analysis techniques may be employed, depending on the form of Contract and available data.
CF Associates is increasingly employing BIM techniques and 4D model. This model coupled with Multi-media can be a very persuasive approach to illustrate the causes and effect highlighting changes and clashes.

Quantum Evaluation
Quantum evaluation will depend on the form of contract and the specific evaluation rules within it.
Our consultants are very experienced in managing change control and loss & expense.