Email info@cf-associates.co.uk

Colin Featherstone is an accredited expert via the RICS, The Academy of Experts, Cardiff University Bond Solon and other recognised training establishments. We are able to provide independent expert analysis and court or tribunal compliant reports in both civil and commercial disputes.
Forensic Delay Analysis
A number of forensic delay analysis techniques may be employed, either retrospective or prospective depending on the form of Contract, the availability and quality of the records, existing programmes and the As Built records, which will dictate the general reliability of the evidence.

Quantum Analysis
Quantum analysis falls broadly into change / variation, error and omission, change of quantity, prolongation, disruption, loss and expense or damages depends on the form of Contract (FIDIC, JCT, NEC3, ICE, ICC, IChemE etc). It may be via a Compensation Event or Variation Order estimate, earned value measurement or it may be based on more traditional loss and expense calculations.
Our consultants have many years of experience in evaluating all aspects of Quantum under a wide variety of standard and bespoke contract terms.